Prepare The Script and Dependencies

Python Module Dependencies:

You will need to install the following python modules:

pip install <module name> should get you set up.

(To install pip on Ubuntu, run: sudo apt-get install python-pip)

NOTE: If premailer throws errors on install, it is usually due to package dependencies missing in the OS related to lxml. For Ubuntu, try this:

  • Uninstall premailer if you tried to install and got errors: sudo pip uninstall premailer
  • Install dependencies : sudo apt-get install -y libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev python2.7-dev
  • Reinstall premailer: sudo pip install premailer

More help here:

For reference, here are the other modules:

  • smtplib
  • email.mime.multipart
  • email.mime.text
  • json
  • datetime
  • BaseHTTPServer
  • logging
  • socket

Geoip Setup

Download the free GeoLite City and GeoLite ASN databases (the binary versions) from MaxMind.

Place the files in the geoip folder.

The script accomodates different database files for internal vs. external devices. However, you will need to create the geoip database for your internal addresses and locations. Here is the best instruction I have found on how to do that: Generate Local MaxMind Database. It uses mmutils. The article describes adding your internal network locations and private ip addresses to the MaxMind CSV files. However, you will want to make your own CSV files with only internal networks and locations then compile them to a new .dat for the best result. The process is basically the same and fairly straightforward once you see how the two .csv files are organizing the data.

TIP: Do not open the csv files you create in Microsoft Excel as it will completely wreck it out and will never compile. Use Open Office or a text editor. Make sure the file is of type UNIX and not MAC or Windows. You should be able to set this in most decent text editors (Notepad++, TextWrangler, etc, etc)

FireStic Script Configuration

All configuration options are now located in Please configure the settings below in that file. Settings:

setting name example description
esIndex 'firestic' Elasticsearch index to use. -YYYY.MM.DD will be appended ala Logstash
extGeoipDatabase 'geoip/GeoLiteCity.dat' Geoip database for external (internet) addresses
intGeoipDatabase 'geoip/YourLocations.dat' Geoip database for internal (LAN) addresses. If you want to map these ip addresses to geo coordinates, you'll have to create the file. See the Geoip Setup section above. You can use the same file as extGeoipDatabase but it will not resolve internal addresses
ASNGeoipDatabase 'geoip/GeoIPASNum.dat' Geoip database for external address ASN info
localASN 'your_org_name' ASN for internal ip addresses. Since internal addresses are private, this is used in the ASN field
httpServerIP '' ip address for http server to listen on
httpServerPort 8888 Port for http server to listen on
logfile 'firestic_error.log' File for logging errors
sendAlerts True Turn email/SMS alerts off False or on True Settings

setting name example description
smtpServer '' Your email server FQDN or ip address
smtpPort 25 Port on your email server
fromEmail '' Where the email alerts show to come from
toEmail '' Who to send the email alerts to. Separate multiple addresses with commas
emailTypeAlertOn ['ips-event','malware-callback','malware-object'] The types of alerts to send an email for. Possible types are: ips-event, malware-callback, malware-object, infection-match, domain-match, web-infection
toSMS '' Who to send SMS alerts to. Format depends on the carrier. Separate multiple addresses with commas
smsTypeAlertOn ['malware-callback','malware-object'] Possible types are the same as those for emailTypeAlertOn
smsActionAlertOn ['notified','alert'] Only send SMS when these actions were reported by FireEye for this alert. Possible actions: blocked, notified, alert. Make this an empty array [] to not send SMS for anything
myTimezone 'US/Eastern' Local timezone for conversion (@timestamp is UTC). Common US TZ: US/Central US/Eastern US/Mountain US/Pacific. See HERE for a full list.